Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The Park Ridge Baptist Church is doing a splendid work hosting the Winter Conference. Ben Glover is the newly-appointed pastor of this church, although he has been a member and served them for several years prior to now.

The theme of the Conference is "GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE" and HE certainly has...for which we are glad and praise Him.

Last night, we heard messages from God's Word delivered by David Pitman, pastor of Addyston Baptist Church, Addyston OH and Evangelist Bob Jones. Brother Pitman preached from Mark 9.1-4: AND THEY WERE TALKING WITH JESUS. They weren't talking about all the things we probably would want to talk about. They were learning from Jesus about His EXODUS [death and victorious ascension] He would accomplish at Jerusalem. This is what we should be talking about.

Brother Jones preached from Proverbs 14.4 and exhorted us to employ all the MEANS [oxen] in the work of the Lord if we expect to see any INCREASE and growth.

This morning [Tuesday] we heard two more messages by Missionary-Pastor Harold Draper and Pastor Darrell Messer. Brother Draper preached from Acts 14 to reinforce Christ's PURPOSE, PLAN, and PROGRESS for CHURCH-PLANTING MISSIONS IN THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD.

Brother Messer preached from Psalm 145 and thrilled us with his recounting of THE GREATNESS OF THE GOD WHO DOES GREAT THINGS - and THE GREATNESS OF THE PRAISE WE SHOULD GIVE HIM.

The members of the church are serving us all royally with their welcome, hospitality, and meals. We bless God for them all.

Two more stirring messages from God's Word through His servants. Pastor Cecil Fayard preached from Mark 2.1-12: WANTED, STRETCHER-BEARERS. Jesus Christ is the Healer, but we must be the concerned witnesses who bring our lost friends to Jesus Christ.

Pastor Glenn Archer preached from Acts 13.38 and other Scriptures concerning MANIFOLD JUSTIFICATION. He gave us a thrilling, all-too-brief summary of how God justifies believers through Jesus Christ.

Pastor George Sledd preached from Jeremiah 33.1-3: CALLING ON GOD FOR GREAT THINGS. Only God can do the GREAT THINGS we need to have done for us - and He does them when WE CALL ON HIM.

Pastor Millard Mitchell preached from Philippians 3.12-14: THE IMPORTANCE OF SETTING GOALS. We should still EXPECT GREAT THINGS FROM GOD.

I closed out the Missions Conference services this evening with a message from Luke 15.11-24: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF GRACE...AND THEREFORE, OF GOD. God, Himself, is this father, who is running to receive and restore us through redemption and reconciliation. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself - and has committed this same message and ministry of reconciliation to us, His churches. We are pleading in Christ's stead: "RETURN TO GOD...BE RECONCILED TO GOD."

Once again, we thank the Park Ridge Baptist Church for their abundant generosity and extravagant hospitality given to us by their hosting this Conference.

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