Thursday, June 24, 2010


I apologize for the tardiness of this report. We have been conducting Vacation Bible School all this week and have been absorbed by the activities of planning and preparation – and then conducting it this week. [dsp]

24 June 2010
FROM: Dave Parks | Executive Secretary, Baptist Faith Missions

I talked with Mary Carver on Saturday, 19 June.

She told me that Brother Carver had another heart attack on Wednesday, 16 June. He began to experience distress, so they took him to the ER.

After examination, they admitted him and implanted a stent in one of the veins in his lower heart region.

However, they also received more discouraging bad news. When they performed the heart cath to determine the source of this new occlusion, the surgeon who performed his 6-bypass surgery back in January discovered to his dismay that 5 of the 6 bypasses have failed.

They are all devastated by this news, and especially the surgeon. He cried when he relayed this news to them. He told them that in his 25-30 years of practicing heart surgery, this kind of failure has happened only one time previously.

But, Brother Carver’s heart is that badly diseased and deteriorated. The surgeon has ordered him to take at least the next two weeks of absolute rest – doing nothing.

The coronary damage may not be reparable. Brother Carver may be required to just moderate and accommodate his physical activity to what his heart will allow.

I hope you will continue to name them and intercede for them to the Lord.

You may contact them directly:
Louie and Mary Carver
259 Finley Hill Court
Simpsonville SC 29681

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