Thursday, December 10, 2009


With much regret and pain of heart, we have moved to withdraw and discontinue our administration of financial missionary support for Mike and Pam Anderson, missionaries to Kitale, Kenya.

We took this action because of practices which have been implemented in the churches in Kitale under Mike’s missionary leadership which are contrary to and incompatible with the Doctrinal Statement of Beliefs and Practices to which all of us in our Baptist Faith Missions fellowship have committed our mutual agreement. These doctrinal distinctives are the core of our missionary principles, policies, and practices.

We also want to emphasize that these doctrinal differences do not pertain to any teachings of our essential evangelical faith, such as the virgin birth of Christ, His Deity, the substitutionary redemption of His death, or the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Rather, they related to the constitution and character of the churches, their organization and membership, and the administration of the churches’ Gospel ordinances.

We wish to affirm our Christian love for Mike and Pam, and we commend them for their whole-hearted service to Jesus Christ and the people of Kenya. We believe that all these transactions have been conducted in Christian love and with the Spirit of Christ. All our mutual relationships remain amicable.

We hope and pray that God will give them direction and provision as they continue to pursue God’s will for their lives and their service to Him.

We will continue disbursing to them their monthly salary and pay their hospitalization premium for the next 6 months [December 2009 – May 2010] to assist them during this time of transition. We will also continue to forward to them any offerings designated to them through BFM for the same 6-month period. Contributors who wish to continue supporting them with your offerings are encouraged to contact them concerning how they wish to receive them.

You will find their personal correspondence also printed in the December 2009 issue of our monthly newsletter, The Mission Sheets. You may correspond with them personally via the contact information they include in their letter:

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