Friday, April 10, 2009


12:30 am
Hershael York: Read Dad Romans 8, prayed. I spoke to him in Portuguese and he understood perfectly. He hasn't lived in Brazil since 1961! His mind is fine.

Hershael York: 30 mins with Dad early on this Good Friday AM. From 5-5:30 (CDT) he and I will be rendering praises to a crucified Savior from the ICU!

7:40 am
Hershael York: I believe Dad will have the ventilator removed today. Pray that he can breathe on his own and they won't have to re-entubate. He's stirring more now.

2:00 pm
Hershael York: Doc decided to wait 1 more day to remove ventilator just to be safe. Dad is in some pain but all signs are good. Tornados reported nearby.

8:30 pm
Hershael York: I am amazed at the mercies of God dropped on us, handfuls on purpose. Prayers, calls, visits. The Yorks are grateful for all of these things

I posted this message on Hershael's Facebook on behalf of us all:

Hershael, I have been following your posts all week and re-posting them on our BFM blog. We continue to fervently pray to God for Wallace, asking the Father for an Epaphroditus mercy - Phil 2.27. Please tell Wallace and your mother how many thousands of prayers have been raised to God - and that we love them...and you all...more than we can tell.

Dave: I thank you for helping others pray for Dad. It means more to him and to all of us than I can tell you. He is making progress, more slowly than I would like, but it's a lot better place than we were last Sunday or Monday night. Keep assaulting heaven with your prayers. He sends his love and gratitude.


Unknown said...

Praise God for the progress of Bro. York. He did so much for us when he was our pastor at Twelve Ryan Baptist Church in Warren, Mi. Thank you so much for posting all the news for us.
In His Care,
Mosie & Jerlene

Unknown said...

Praise God for the progress of Bro. York. We pray for him daily. He did so much for us when he was our pastor at Twelve Ryan in Warren, Mi. My friends call me Jerlene just in case Mrs. York doesn't know who Ada is. Tell Bro. York Mosie & Jerlene said hello and we love him.
In His Care,
Ada & Mosie