Friday, January 15, 2010


TUESDAY / 9 February 2010
Elton Dunbar sent this post to Ronnie Wolfe, who, in turn, disseminated it. Grace and thanks to all of you who are concerned and participating in this reporting.
"Bro. Ronnie:
I spoke with Sister Mary this evening [Monday] about 7:15 at which time she told me that Bro. Louie came home from the hospital today. He is doing well, but having some difficulty with his speech and trying to say what he wants. He will be taking speech therapy for this.
Let us continue to remember both of them in prayer.
Sincerely, Elton"

MONDAY / 8 February 2010
Bob Jones called me this morning. He had talked with Becky Carver. Pastor Carver is still in the hospital, but has been transferred from ICU to a private room. We praise God for this improvement. He does not appear to be suffering from any paralysis from the stroke, but he is still mentally confused and disoriented and his speech is still somewhat slurred. He is struggling with articulating and verbalizing his thoughts and with word retrieval. Please continue to pray that God will give him full and complete recovery. [dsp]

SATURDAY MORNING / 6 February / Text from Becky Carver
"PLEASE PRAY! Dad had a stroke yesterday and is back in the hospital. We greatly appreciate your prayers. Dad has been crying hard."

5:30PM / FRIDAY / 5 FEBRUARY 2010

Pastor Carver did come home Wednesday, and was doing wonderfully. I talked to him Thursday morning and then talked to their daughter, Becky, this morning [Friday], and he was continuing to make progress toward recovery.

Bob Jones talked to him at length earlier this afternoon.

But, Mary stepped out later this afternoon to run a short errand, and when she returned around 5:30 [or shortly before], Brother Carver was collapsed in the hallway of their home. Mary called for Becky, and when they tried to converse with him, he was very incoherent and confused. He was also suffering from weaknesses compatible with stroke symptoms.

They were rushing him back to the hospital at that time.

That is all I know right now. I will post further updates as I receive them.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON / 3 February / Text from Becky Carver
"Our Dad is coming home today!"

SUNDAY EVENING, 31 January / Text from Becky Carver
Dad is still in the hospital. Clamping tubes again tomorrow to see what happens.

FRIDAY EVENING / 29 January 2010
The last report I have received is that Brother Carver is improving from the setback he suffered on Wednesday and then had another 'bad' day on Thursday. His lung has now 'inflated' some and is functioning more normally.

He is still in the hospital, but they are hoping he will, within the next very few days, be discharged to a surgery-rehabilitation center to regain strength. He still has a long way to go to enjoy complete recovery. [dsp]

Becky called me this afternoon to tell me that Brother Carver is suffering from other new complications. His lung is still not inflating and functioning. They had to insert a new tube into his side today to treat the lung. They have also told them just today that he also has emphysema, which is complicating these after-effects from the surgery. The emphysema, of course, will not improve or rehabilitate. He can't do long without his oxygen-assist. So, they are just waiting on God now to see where these new developments will take them over the next few days.

They do appreciate very much your continued praying for him and for them. [dsp]

TUESDAY EVENING / Text from Becky Carver
Dad isn't going home tomorrow [Wednesday] - he still has a leak in his lung. He gets very winded when he moves a little bit.

MONDAY EVENING / 25 JANUARY / Text from Becky Carver
Dad is doing soo much better. He may be going home on Wednesday if he keeps doing as well as he is now.

FRIDAY NIGHT / From Becky Carver
Becky called me as she was leaving the hospital late Friday evening. Brother Carver has rested better the past couple nights. He still has drainage tubes in his chest and abdomen to evacuate the fluid retention around his lungs and heart, and his left lung still has not fully inflated from the surgery and post-surgery excessive fluid. He is still very weak, but slowing regaining strength by the day. He is out of ICU and in a private room now.

THURSDAY EVENING / Text from Becky Carver
"Dad is very sore, and it hurts to even take a breath, but they have started getting him out of bed and moving him a little today. He is dealing with it pretty good. He told the nurse he likes it quiet as opposed to the loudness in ICU."

WEDNESDAY NIGHT / Text from Becky Carver
"Dad is doing great. He is on real foods now."

I assume that they have weaned him from the ventilator, and he is eating on his own instead of through IVs and tubes. We are praising God for this development. [dsp]

Pastor Carver continues to improve. Talked to Becky, their daughter, this afternoon. He is still on the ventilator, and they are trying to wean him from it. One of the chief reasons he is on the ventilator is that he is retaining a lot of fluid, and it is pressing his lungs and heart, complicating his breathing. They are administering Lasix to serve as a diuretic to reduce his fluid retention. They are also having to suction his lungs periodically to evacuate fluid that way. This procedure is very traumatic and painful for him. But, he is cognizant, coherent, and communicative - all for which we praise God.

His recovery is being hampered by some agitation he experiences when he begins to emerge from sedation. So, they are continuing to sedate him to keep him from struggling with the tubes and monitoring paraphenalia. Continue to pray for his complete recovery.

Pastor Carver underwent surgery today from approximately 8am - 1.30pm. Surgery went well. Surgeons performed 6 bypasses. He was in recovery shortly thereafter.

18 January 2009 / Monday

16 January 2010 / Saturday
Dear Bro. Parks,

Good afternoon, this is Becky Carver, Pastor Carver's youngest daughter... On behalf of my dad and the family we want to thank you for your sincere prayers. We thank God that He is in control and that dad has soooo many true friends that are truly sincere with their walk with Christ. He has had his ups and downs for sure; however, he is tolerating the pain better today than he has been.
Will keep you posted as we find out more.

Sincerely His,

The Carver Family and extended

16 January 2010 / Saturday
UPDATE: Pastor Louie Carver

Brother Carver is scheduled for multi-bypass open heart surgery early Monday morning, 18 January. Continue praying for him and for Mary, his wife - and for their children during this time of adversity.

15 January 2010
FROM: Dave Parks
RE: Pastor Louie Carver

Many of you know Brother Carver – some of you may not.

The Lord knows Pastor Carver if you don’t, so we would appreciate your asking the Lord to intervene in his behalf.

Brother Carver has moved from the Chicago area to Simpsonville SC [during 2009]. Three of their daughters live nearby.

I got a call from their daughter, Becky, this morning to inform me that Pastor Carver had a massive heart attack yesterday and is in the ICU in a Simpsonville Hospital.

They performed a heart catheterization yesterday and one angioplasty [balloon procedure] to immediately open one artery. All of his arteries are occluded.

They want to wait until the first of the week to perform the necessary bypass surgery, but if he continues to have the same cardiac trauma activity he is experiencing now, they may not be able to wait.

Sister Carver [Mary] also has suffered some light strokes and has been home from her own hospitalization only a couple weeks.

That is all I know right now. Please pray for them all.

If you want to correspond with their home mailing address:
259 Finley Hill Court / Simpsonville SC 29681

His email address is:
Mary will be accessing his emails and can take them to him.

Grace to you all.
Dave Parks
3985 Boston Road
Lexington KY 40514
859.223.8374 phone
859.223.8954 fax

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