Marguerite Hallum is the unmarried daughter of the first missionaries BFM supported for missions in Peru. She served with them during all the years of their ministry in Peru, and then cared for them until their deaths after they returned to the States.
She lived and worked for several years in Louisiana, but for the past few years has been living in DeLand FL in an assisted-living retirement center. Her niece, Teeter Mauldin, and her husband, Steve, brought her to DeLand so they can care for her just a few minutes from where they live – and they have done so faithfully and lovingly. [Marguerite is pictured above with the Mauldins]
We had the opportunity to visit with Sister Marguerite during our BFM Winter Conference at Park Ridge Baptist Church in Orlando-area back in January 2009, and she delighted us with her company, fellowship, and her many, many exciting stories of their ministry experiences in Peru.
Here are some updates I have received from her niece, Teeter Mauldin, concerning some of the latest developments in her health condition.
We encourage you to pray for Sister Marguerite, and for Steve and Teeter Mauldin. The Mauldins’ email address is: steveandteeter@bellsouth.net
You may address written correspondences for Sister Marguerite to:
Teeter Mauldin
432 Rich Avenue
DeLand FL 32724-4315
Thursday, 16 July
Dear Friends,
Good news...just went to the hospital and they released Marguerite this afternoon. She is now back at the Florida Lutheran Retirement Center and they were so very happy to have her 'home'...she's happy to be home.
The blockage is gone and hopefully will stay gone for a while. Her oxygen levels have improved and she seems to be fine today.
A sad note is her roommate Dorothy is in her last days...she has hospice round the clock now. I'm sure this will affect Marguerite greatly...they were 'fun' roommates.
Thank you for your prayers...the Lord's timing is perfect and we trust Him in all things.
Love to all, Teeter
Dear Friends,
Just to update you on the current situation.
Marguerite was admitted to the hospital Sunday night...midnight...for an abdominal blockage. We do not know what kind of blockage it is but she had been vomiting since Wednesday and not eating. She was dehydrated but showed no signs on infection.
She is not in pain, other than the tube down her nose and throat, she is comfortable.
She knows where she is but does not know why because as she says, "No body tells me anything and I haven't even seen a doctor or nurse since I've been here." Her dementia is a wonderful thing in these situations...the doctors and nurses have seen her and been wonderful.
Her kidneys had stopped due to the dehydration but now are working again. We are taking one day at a time and just pray hard for her comfort and peace of mind.
Rob Poynor and his son Christopher visited yesterday and that perked up her spirits a great deal.
We have a 'work party' this week with our Sunday School class and we are really torn between being here...since we're in charge and it is for us that they are working so hard...and being with Marguerite. I go and come.
After two weeks of 'granny camp' and another week coming up next week of 'camp,' this was the only week we had to get organized for our class to help us rehab the house next door we just purchased...the wonderful part it was their idea to do this!
We went into this project exhausted but the Lord is faithful and I can do 'all things through Him who gives me strength.'
Pray for Marguerite's recovery, peace of mind, comfort, and our ability to meet her needs and get everything else done too! Strength for today...we are taking one day at a time!
Love to all, Teeter
Dear Brother Dave,
We have placed Marguerite with Hospice. She is in no pain and her sweet spirit is still present. Our Lord's timing is perfect and He has her in His hands. For that we give praise and thanks. We're trusting Him in all things. Thank you for your prayers for us all.
Love, Teeter
22 June 2009
Dear Friends,
Just a quick update on Marguerite for today. We are taking one day at a time right now. She has congestive heart failure and is on oxygen 24/7. They have it on the highest level and it can go no higher...still her oxygen levels are in the low 80's. The nurses are amazed that she wakes up and converses with the levels that low. She also has an irregular heart beat and rapid heart beat...the combination of the two is not good. One of the reasons, they think, the oxygen levels read so low is because of the irregular heartbeat...seems it can throw off the monitoring device. In reality she might be getting more oxygen that what they think. One of the nurses just 'happened' to read an article on that little know fact!) On Friday she was really bad, not eating, and slept most of Saturday...yesterday she was alert and talking and coherent! That's why I say it is one day at a time. She had stopped eating but yesterday ate well! We never know what we will find when we go. She is in no pain, doesn't feel badly, does not have labored breathing...so my prayers for her have been answered. She is not suffering in any way. The nurses and aides are wonderfully attentive and keep me posted on any change or new development. We are blessed to have her in such a beautiful, caring facility. I'm asking for prayers for her continued comfort and when the time comes for the Lord just to let her go to sleep. Think that's what I'd like to do too, when the time comes:) I'm not rushing it but know it is not far off for her....or she could rally and last for years like her father did! It is not in our hands or our control and we take comfort in that fact! God's timing is perfect and we trust that fact! Thank you for all of your concern and prayers.
Love to all, Teeter
PS I have lost a lot of email addresses from the list I usually send updates to...pass it on to others that you think might be interested and send me their addresses so I can add them. I am not a technical whiz...in fact, I could be considered 'challenged' in that area:) Thanks for your help on this.
19 May 2009
Dear Friends and Family,
We so appreciate your calls and emails about Marguerite. She is really loved! I've just been to the Center to check on her and she is still very ill. A little improvement from yesterday but a long way to go. I spoke with the doctor as he was making his rounds and he was to check her for me. She had improved at the end of last week but by Sunday was worse than ever. Her cough is deep and long but she says 'not productive.' I say it's 'missing a good chance' because she is coughing from her toes! Her foot is infected still and is on antibiotics for that, too. She is not eating anything but tea, toast, and soup on occasion so she is getting weaker. Today I sat with her while she ate her breakfast of tea and one piece of toast...couldn't coax her to eat more. Kept her up for over an hour and she was ready for her bed and a nap. Please continue to pray for her. She is in no pain and isn't complaining at all, in fact, doesn't think her cough is bad at all...just amazing.
Love to all, Teeter
13 May 2009
Dear Friends,
Please pray for Marguerite. She is really sick. A bronchial bug has swept through the nursing center and everyone is coughing, running fever, etc. I took her to the foot doctor yesterday thinking her foot would be better since she hasn't been walking on it...wrong...it is infected again and draining. It is about as bad as we've seen it. She just started crying in the doctor's office and said, 'it is always something!' Never seen her at the 'giving up' point before. She was very quiet and didn't talk...I was so busy trying to engage her in conversation I missed two turns off the interstate and ended up going to Daytona...the scenic route! They have her on antibiotics and maybe by today they have kicked in. They did a culture on her foot and we go back next week to see the doctor...he is very concerned. They also did xrays to see if the infection was in the bone...there are some changes but it is not definitive yet.
We were gone last week on a mission's trip to South Carolina. She did not have a good week...she didn't eat because her stomach hurt. When we took her to dinner on Mother's Day she said she was fine and ate everything in sight. Even though we didn't tell her we were out of town, friends visited, etc. she knows when I'm not here. Pray she heals quickly and she won't remember she's been so sick and so depressed. Her roommate Dorothy is not doing well at all either.
I know she's in the Lord's hands and He loves her so much! We all do! Thank you for your prayers,
Love, Teeter
4 April 2009
Dear Brother Dave,
I'm reporting on Marguerite Hallum She fell last week and broke her hip. She has surgery and is back in her retirement center undergoing rehab. She has been remarkable...her spirit is good, her humor is intact, and the prognosis is good. Please pray that she will be up on her feet and gardening again soon.
Blessings, Teeter Mauldin